Monday, March 21, 2011

Shine the Brightest

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; “nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16 NASB

This morning, as I pulled the blinds to begin looking for the school bus, my daughter said, "Mom, I don't want to go to school. I want to stay here." While this little spill may be common for many parents, it hasn't been for us. Faith has always loved school; that is until we moved here.

Life in the ministry has its many challenges... one being relocating. Faith will be nine years old next week. She's in the third grade at her third school. Her other two schools were relatively small compared to where she is now. Though her first school was made up of mostly military families and transplants from all over, it still had a home-town feel. Her second school she transitioned well to. It was smaller than the first and was totally "home-grown". It was Mayberry with perhaps a few more deputies than Barny Fife. Faith loved school. She had her own alarm clock set and was  usually dressed and eating breakfast before we were up. She's a morning person, yes, but she just really loved school.

As I stared out the window into the darkness, looking for at least a quick glimpse of school bus lights, it hit me. It's easier to spot the bus when it's the DARKEST! Immediately I felt a devotion coming on. You see, you don't need a flashlight in broad daylight. It's pretty useless there. No, where you need the flashlight, is in those dark, cramped spaces, under the bed and in those hidden places. The flash light is needed when there's no other light to be found. Those places where we don't like to go, where it can be scary, uncomfortable and our vision is impaired. Where we can only see as far as the light is caste, BUT that's where it's needed most!

Saints, we are the light of the world, ambassadors. God has made His light to shine upon us so we can reflect Him to a lost and dying world. He sends us out of our restful comfort zones into a world to seek and save. Though we can't always see the way as clearly as we'd like, our vision being impaired at times where we can only see each step we take, we trust Him to lead us, knowing He's already prepared the way. He leads us to places we'd never have chosen, at times to people we'd never have met, to fulfill one purpose and one purpose only... to GLORIFY THE LORD!

Jesus said, "... if I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself" (John 12:32). Speaking of his death on the cross, he was making clear to His disciples that in His death, He could redeem all mankind and when Jesus commanded His disciples to GO into ALL the WORLD and make disciples (Mathew 28 19:20), he promised them He'd be with them. That promise and command was for YOU & ME as well. We're called and commissioned to reflect and shine His light to a darkened world, darkened by sin's corruption. We're called and commissioned to take His light into the world, that means leave the four walls of our comfortable homes and churches and search out that one that's lost in our community, our places of employment, our schools, our city, etc. We start at home, doing all we can to reach our families, but the search doesn't end there.

Today, let me encourage you. Perhaps you're struggling to make the necessary steps for where God is leading you. You're afraid and in desperate need of assurance. If God is leading you, that's all the confidence you need. Or perhaps, you're in the darkest storm you've ever faced. All hope seems to have escaped in the cracks of your life and now you're strength is fading fast. Call out to Jesus! He sees you, hears you and though you haven't realized it yet, He's already holding you. He's been carrying you this far, you just haven't realized it yet. Let Him have all that you're holding on to, trust Him and let Him lead you in what to do next.

To my dear brothers and sisters in the faith, I have one more plea mixed with exhortation. Time is quickly passing and our Lord's return is drawing near. My heart is grieved by so much of what I see in our church world today. Back biters, back stabbers, gossips, people sowing discord, jealousy, haters and the list goes on. We're quick to point fingers, but we're all guilty if we're not careful. It's imperative that we remain clean and set apart, in the world but not of the world, meaning simply this. It's imperative that we're recognizable! Though this has been disputed to death, the Word of God is clear so KNOW HIS WORD and DECLARE IT, LIVE IT and let HIS LIGHT SHINE! The darker the hour, the brighter we'll shine!!

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