Thursday, May 7, 2009

You Might Be Tempted To Laugh!!!

You Never Hear in Church

Hey! It's MY turn to sit on the front pew!

I was so enthralled, I never noticed your sermon went over time 25 minutes.

Personally, I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf.

I've decided to give our church the $500.00 a month I used to send to TV evangelists.

I volunteer to be the permanent teacher for the Junior High Sunday School class.

Forget the denominational minimum salary: let's pay our pastor so she/he can live like we do.

I love it when we sing hymns I've never heard before!

You may be tempted to laugh as you read these, but for many churches, these "jokes" are so true. It's sad. It's a shame. Many things in life are temporary. Your house, your car, your golf clubs, your job, your money, your time here on earth... all temporary! What's not temporary? Your soul and the souls of your family, friends, co-workers, class mates, neighbors, the guy waiting on you at your favorite resturant, the checkout girl at the grocery store. While none of the temporary items I've mentioned are pointless, it is pointless to gain the whole world and lose your soul. Take this test to see if your priorities are way out of line. Remember, taking time to do things enjoyable is NOT wrong, but if they take more of your time then those things that matter most, your priorities are out of wack.

1. How much TV do you watch per week? Is it more than the time you spend with God?

2. Can you give more details about your favorite sport, fashion, etc. then you can about God and His Word?

3. Have you shared more gossip then Gospel this week?

4. Does your family get leftovers while your job gets quality?

5. Does God get quality or leftovers?

6. Does your favorite sports team get more praise at the game then God does at church?

7. Are you loud for you child's sports team but a quiet worshipper at church?

8. When's the last time you fed the hungry, took care of the orphan and widow?

9. Have you shared the Gospel with the person beside you today?

10. Who are you most devoted to, will sacrifice everything for, will lose yourself for?

We're all crazy busy these days, but let's not lose ourselves to the things of this world... they're only temporary. Instead, let's remember to lay up treasurers in Heaven where moths and rust do not destroy, where theives can't break in and steal. Let's remember the Great Commission and be reminded that we are called to death not till we're old. Let's be reminded to care for one another and prefer our brothers and sisters before ourselves. Let's be reminded that GOD comes first in all things. Let's lay aside every sin and weight that so easily distracts us and pulls us aside and let's run this race, before us, with patience, diligence... with joy! We're each gifted to work in one or many areas. Let's be the hands and feet of Jesus and stop gripping about stuff that simply doesn't matter. My heart cries out to you today. I'm so burdened for the lost. I'm so burdened for our churches across America today. We've got to wake up and be about our Father's business. Time is running out! Souls are dying lost! Forget about pleasing self or the person next to you and let's start pleasing God!

Take the challenge.

Shine His Light Today!

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