In a day filled with insurmountable pressures, it’s no wonder discouragement and disappointments run rampant. Just when you think you’ve got life figured out, here come the many loops on this grand roller coaster ride of life. You’re up one day, smelling the roses, and the next, something or someone comes along and mows right over them – and you. Thank God, He remains in control during the midst of our confusion and turmoil. Without Him, we’d be as a good friend of mine use to say, “As lost as a ball in tall weeds.”
Sometimes I feel lost. Sometimes I feel like it’s, one more blow and I’m knocked out for good. Sometimes I ask God, “How much more of this can I take?” I get discouraged and, Lord knows, I’ve had many disappointments. Gazing from the outside in, some would say, I’ve endured more defeats then I’ve celebrated victories. Though it may appear that way a lot of the time, deep inside, I know that though I can’t always see the outcome and though I don’t always understand the how’s and why’s, I can rest assure of this truth, God is doing a work in me.He’s molding me and fashioning me into a vessel He can use. That makes it all worth it!