Friday, February 25, 2011

Realizing the Dream

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 NASB

When God plants dreams within our hearts, they take root and grow. Then passion and confidence collide and a beautiful explosion sets off some pretty amazing chain reactions. Believing He can make those dreams reality, we set out to explore uncharted waters, engage in scary, yet exciting excursions; the road is endless and the sky is the limit. However, a few miles into this expedition, we find ourselves staring at a detour sign, but I like what one preacher recently said, “We get frustrated by those men in orange vests and want them to get out of our way, but the fact of the matter is, they’re there to warn us the bridge is out. If you plow on through, you’re headed for danger.”
It’s true, when taking a trip, we often map out our destination by choosing the quickest routes and looking for the fast lanes of the interstate, but we’re completely oblivious to any danger awaiting us on the roads.  Eager and excited to get where we’re going, we accept the distance but quickly grow frustrated by any detours, even though we know they’re set up to protect us.
Satan, the enemy of our soul, will do whatever he possibly can to create pot holes in our lives. He’ll tear down bridges between relationships, create storms to drop debris in our path; he’ll even, try washing the road right out from under us, making us feel isolated and alone. None of these things take God by surprise. In fact, if He allows us to go through the storms, He’ll turn the opposition into opportunities to reveal His strength and glory.
It’s imperative that we remember God has a plan. He creates and gives life to the dreams He’s given us. He’s mapped out our course and will bring us to His destination. It may not be the quickest way or the route we would have chosen, but must trust Him. He’s already paved the way before us! The detours we come to our not stop signs or U-turns, but are reminders that He’s with us, protecting us and leading the way.

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