Thursday, March 31, 2011

Open Doors: Let the Search Begin

"Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season." 2 Timothy 4:2 NKJV

Have you ever experienced the gnawing feeling of hunger pains? How about that embarrassing growling sound your stomach makes when it announces to the world, "Hey everybody! She's hungry!" As humorous as this sounds, it's perhaps the best description I can give for what I've been feeling lately. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:16b, "...for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!" Barnes Notes expounds upon this verse saying, "I was called into the ministry in a miraculous manner; I was addressed personally by the Lord Jesus; I was arrested when I was a persecutor; I was commanded to go and preach; I had a direct commission from heaven." I couldn't say it better myself!

Growing up I heard my dad, on many occasions say, "If I ever get to the place I can't preach, I want God to take me." In 2006, God granted my dad's request. Though he loved us and he certainly loved life, there's no doubt in my mind, his greatest passion was fulfilling God's call upon His life. He deeply loved to study the Word of God and spent most of his time doing just that. He pastored for almost 30 years, preached many revivals, preached in adult daycare facilities, nursing homes and traveled far and wide with our family's Gospel music band. He gave himself completely to the call of God.

Lately, my hunger pains for ministry have intensified.  Like my dad, I too am fueled by an overwhelming passion for God and the understanding that the rapture could take place at anytime; therefore, I feel such an urgency to search for avenues to minister. I have prayed  for open doors and while those doors are opening, I've found that I've had other open doors this whole time.

Talking with a close friend the other day on this very subject, I said, "If we ever get to the place, where we feel the "stage" is the only place we can minister, we're sadly mistaken." We have this amazing stage called life! While our enormous venues may vary, such as our homes, schools, the places of employment, the grocery store, restaurants, etc., we have the same message to share, Jesus Saves!

So today, as you're praying for God to open doors for your ministry. Allow Him to show you every door He's already opened for you today. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem, an open door is an opportunity to share Jesus!

FYI! Be sure to make a note of these open doors!

  • Nursing Home - It's sad to say, but there are many living in nursing homes who've been pretty much abandoned by their friends and family. With few or no visitors, you can really brighten someone's day by letting them know you care about them. Whether you sing and make music or just stop by to sit and visit. Your being there can mean so much to so many!

  • Adult Daycare Centers - Somewhat like child care facilities, Adult Daycare Centers are for our aging or handicapped loved ones who need constant care and/or supervision while we work. Perhaps you're not musically inclined, but love to scrap book, tell stories or paint, contact an Adult Daycare Center in your area and ask how you can become a volunteer. 

  • Your Church - Whether the church you attend is large or small, I guarantee you, there are areas to serve. Such areas like: mowing the grass (grounds keeper), cleaning toilets (church janitorial team), administration, hospitality/greeter, the music department, nursery, children's ministry volunteer (assistant or main teacher), senior ministry, young married ministry, etc. Ask your pastor. I'm sure he or she can point you where you're needed most.

  •  Youtube Video - Someone told me the other day that Youtube was the second most popular search engine, right behind google! Do you love to sing, preach, play music, minister through drama, etc? Set up a camera and let God use you!
  • Blog Sites - Do you love to write? Do you have a testimony to share? WordPress, Blogger and a few other places are available for you to freely voice/type your praise.

  • Social Sites - There are many social sites available, facebook probably being most popular right now. While some may abuse these with pointless gossip, you can make your profile page your open door to minister! 

Start brainstorming for ways to share the Gospel! You'll be amazed at all of your open doors!!

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