Thursday, July 29, 2010

This Place Called Desperation

Here we go again, same destination as before. The sign reads “Desperation”. Oh I've been here before. I had hoped I’d never see this place again, but to my surprise, I had no choice in the matter so I’ll just buckle up and drive.

The city streets are full today. I guess there are a lot of others just like me; they’re searching for answers, frantic to find a lead. God, if Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, why am I seemingly driving in circles? I’ve tried to do the math. I’ve ended up on Lonely Street more times than I’d wish to share, but here I go again, just a few more blocks and I’ll be there.

What’s going on with me? Have I lost my sense of direction? I thought by now I’d be anywhere else, instead I’m here at the corner of Pain and Persecution. Where are “Dreams Come True” and “All Goals Reached”? Those are the places I had in mind. What? I don’t understand. Take a look at this sign. “Humility Lane three blocks ahead” God, I just don’t understand. I’m waiting now at the corner of “Patience” and “Wait”, please tell me this is all part of Your plan.

I sat for a spell, wailing in anticipation. Will I ever leave this place, am I’m doomed to die here on the parkway, Frustration? There! You win! All my defenses lay crumbled in defeat. I’ve arrived at Mercy Station and I lay here humbled at Your feet. The road’s been long and now I see, why I’ve been led back to this place. For it’s in this place called Desperation I see you face to face. No mask or masquerade, I'm transparent and revealed and in this place called Desperation, I'm in your presence renewed and healed.

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