Life is full of challenges. The question is, are you willing to prepare for those challenges? Are you willing to look fear in the face and kick it out of the way? Or are you going to just let life pass you by and only day dream of where you'd like to be?
Life is full of disappointment. The question is, with whom will you be most disappointed in? Will you allow others to dictate what you can and can not do or will you look deep inside yourself, pull out the inner strength needed to achieve your goals and learn to accept that not everyone will have your back?
Life is full of decisions. With each new sunrise, you're demanded to choose how you'll live that day. You're never promised tomorrow and you can't change the past, so ask yourself, "How can I make this day count?"
Life is full of discovery. In the dawning of a new day, we witness God's artistic beauties as light dispels the darkness. What terrified us in the night, with it's creaking shadows and taunting gloom, is exposed revealing we were safe all along.
Life is full of tears. Whether we laugh until we cry or cry until we laugh, life offers the opportunity for both. Facing its challenges, understanding its disappointments, realizing there are times when you don't know what decision to make, so you trust your instincts, you discover that life is really what you make it. It's about perspective. Don't casually watch life pass by, embrace it's ups and downs and when you get knocked down, get back up, brush yourself off and keep going. As long as there's breathe, there's hope. As long as there's life, there's an opportunity to live and make a difference. Are you ready?
[Woke up with these thoughts running through my head this morning.]