Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yes You Have!

This morning while I was praying, I was sharing with God all that was on my heart, as if He didn't already know. I held nothing back. I expressed my thanks and my praise, my concerns and my fears. I want so much to be all He desires me to be. I don't want anything and I mean ANYTHING to hold me back from His perfect Will for my life. Anyway, I expressed my feelings the only way I knew how, by just letting them out and you know what??? He answered me with these words, "I've already made the way for you." What a calming, relaxing, reassuring thing to hear! In that split second my fears were relieved, my worried countenance appeared brighter and more confident. These were the words He's been telling me for months and years. This reminder gave me the strength to continue on, to perservere, to press through, to lift my hands and begin to praise and rejoice in the storm. I told the Lord, "Yes you have!"

What are you facing? What do you have need of? Caste your cares upon the Lord for He cares for you! He's already made the way for you!

-originally posted on, April 7, 2009

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